Monday, June 23, 2008

Featured Polls

Notice of Change: For Those Who Have Voted (Who do you DISLIKE or HATE the most?), You May Change By Selecting As Many Options As You like


Anonymous said...

Your polls in nonsense.. Why have to put Sultan Johor there? He has nothing to do with politic and I doesnt know what the hell you have to place him there. He is Sultan that you shud pay respect. His position is far better and high than your beloved racist Teresa Kok and Lim Kit Siang..
Remove Sultan Johor there please!!

Anonymous said...

Ello Faraj!! Since when TK and LKS become racist? another UiTM product. Ptui......

Ted Torrence said...

He has nothing to do with politic.
- Conspiring with Mahathir to sack Salleh Abbas is not politic?

He is Sultan that you shud pay respect.
- Even for those who bullies and kills wontonly? Sorry, I suspect I must be staying in Mars at the moment.

His position is far better and high than your beloved racist Teresa Kok and Lim Kit Siang.
- Wrong, I don't have a fetish for the two notable politicians you have mentioned. As far as I am concerned, a bad guy deserves no respect even if he is the God. What more descendants of pirates who was lucky to have the privilege to be fed by the state as a result of some consititutional mistake by the colonializer?

Remove Sultan Johor there please!
- Convince me why we shouldn't hate his evil deeds? Or perhaps couple of free Dato and Tan Sri so that I can auction them off for charity ... Deal?

Anonymous said...

Nice poll.. but I think you should remove Sultan Iskandar from the list... its disrespectful ... for most of the malays, Sultan is stil a symbol of our identity.. Just for your consideration

Premium Business said...

kalau pengendali polls ( the X polls ) pun sudah tidak adil, tidak rasional, diragui kwibawaannya bagaimana keputusan undi ini akan nampak bersih dan telus.

Batalkan, dan buat semula sesuatu yang lebih bebas dan terbuka supaya ada integriti.

kalau sendiri sudah ada agenda tersembunyi, susah le..

Anonymous said...

heh.. i dislike lim kek pisang, teresuck kok, kepam singh, etc etc etc etc.. why aren't they inside em polls???

i admire zulkepli nordin.. where is he???

what a dung poll u have ere.. cow dung betul!!!

Ted Torrence said...

To be honest with you guys, I feel like deleting your so called 'opinions'. However, I decided to keep them not because they are worthy comments, but just to let fellow Rakyat know I pratice 'bikin serupa cakap' ...

1. every racist polls. why in the most dislike/hate, there is no chinese or indian?
2. i dislike lim kek pisang, teresuck kok, kepam singh, etc etc etc etc.. why aren't they inside em polls???

Question for 1 & 2: -

I am not aware politicians like lim kek pisang, teresuck kok, kepam singh etc are subjects of extreme dislike by Rakyat. However, I'd like to give you the benefit of doubt. If you are convinced that is the case, please make some professional looking polls at Vizu with questionns like "Do You hate 'lim kek pisang?'" etc. And if they presentable, I'd copy them here.
Right now, they remain nothing as compared to those on my 'Evils' list. Actually, I'd soon take Pak Lah out because I don't think he deserves to be in the list anymore.

Finally 'i admire zulkepli nordin.. where is he???'. This one is definitely hated by some people, but what is he as comapred to say, Botak Syed Hamid or any other on my list? I can only list 10 at the most, now, why don't you compile another 10 and make a poll with picture saying eg. 'The Next 10 Most Disliked or Hated Malaysians" for me with picture, so long they are valid, I'd publish them.

Okey dokey?

Anonymous said...

I really hope you can remove Sultan Johor from the polls... There was no reason to put him there.. Why dont u put Anwar Ibrahim (DSAI).. Or replace Sultan Johor with another guy... I not know much about politics... But I trust him more than you.. Thank you..